program fkeres; uses sysutils; const n = 100; type adattipus = record a: integer; s: string; end; var t:text; s:string; a,i,db,keres:integer; tomb: array[1..n] of adattipus; begin assign(t, 'adatok.txt'); reset(t); i:=1; while not eof(t) do begin readln(t, a, s); tomb[i].a := a; tomb[i].s := s; //writeln(tomb[i].a,' -- ',tomb[i].s); inc(i); end; db := i - 1; keres := 10; i := 1; while(i <= db) and (tomb[i].a <> keres)do inc(i); if i <= db then writeln(trim(tomb[i].s)); close(t); readln; end.